Saturday, 11 October 2014

Killer Kettlebell Legs Workout

I was recently introduced to a personal trainer who had a keen interest in Kettlebell training and as he often trains five or six people at once always favours bodyweight and Kettlebell training as oppose to Barbell and Dumbells.

I took part in one of these sessions and have literally never had a workout like it targeting on the Legs. This is quite simply put one of the best Kettlebell Workouts you will come across on the web.

As with most things the workout routine I am about to describe to you is simple to learn, performing it is far from simple and requires commitment from the beginning just to make it to the end.

Take a Kettlebell that you would normally be able to perform sets of 15 Reps for Kettlebell Squats. Now what I am about to explain is a basic Superset but due to the way in which it is performed and the intensity of the session you are going to feel sick, tired and if you get to the end - Euphoria!

Take your Kettlebell and place on the floor in between your legs with your legs slightly wider than shoulder width with toes pointing away from the body at a 45 degree angle.

Perform 15 clean explosive reps in which the Kettlebell is returned to the floor each time for you to drive upwards holding the Kettlebell in each hand and ensure you are exploding using the muscles of the posterior chain.

After you have completed your set of 15 reps, let go of the weight and sit yourself in a squatting position with your backside being completely parallel with the floor and hold the position for 30 seconds - by the end of this your Legs should be shaking. 

After completing this 30 seconds static hold, perform 15 squat jumps in which you range from the seated position you were just in, to exploding into a jump into the air - really explode and jump as high as you can here and remember to control the landing and move it into the seated squatting position as soon as possible to enable another explosive jump.

This basic superset of 3 movements (15 Kettlebell Squats, 30 second static Squat position hold followed by 15 bodyweight Squat jumps) will absolutely destroy you!

Your Legs will continue to crave Oxygen and nutrient rich blood and burn due to lactic acid build up whist your anaerobic and aerobic systems will be tested to the max ensuring that you are physically working as close to your maximum as you safely can.

This Legs workouts sounds easy but I can personally guarantee that just 5 circuits of this will have you reaching for the sick bucket - try it, hate it and then learn to love it and the results it will bring.

1 comment:

  1. Once I hired a personal trainer for Kettle bell training. That trainer was a newbie so he didn’t know how to explain the process. It was a bad experience for me. Now I have purchased some workout videos and started practicing from them. These workout videos are superb.
