Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Kettlebell Workouts - Why Bother?

The rise in popularity of Kettlebell Workouts has not just been down to a celbrity fad or a sudden craze in Gyms and Health Centres, it in fact has a lot of history.

Often called the Russian Kettlebells, Russian Bodybuilders used these trange looking weights as far back as 300 years ago to sculpt massive and muscular bodies - all this without the science and nutrition, just good old fashioned hard work.

Obviously times have moved on and we have become a science driven society and the fitness industry has certainly become a science driven machine with even Joe Average now fully capable of advising on the difference in Electrolytes and also fully aware of the importance of High intesity Interval Training in the goal of fat burning.

And here it is.............. Kettlebell Workouts have now came back into fashion, not due to difficulty or celebrity endorsement but science. The science behind sculpting your ideal physique has riven us all to dust off the Kettlebells in the corner of they gym and ask the nearest training how they work.

The versatility of the Kettlebell will obviously keep it around for a long time to come and Kettlebell exercises are sprouting up all over the place as yet another traditional barbell or dumbell exercise gets it's very own Kettlebell twist.

Some serious science..... A study has shown that the average person will use 272 calories in a basic full body Kettlebell workout, combing this with the muscle sculpting impact (the amount of calories used to repair damaged muscle fibres) the toal calorie count for a 20 minute worout excedes 400 calories. The only other activity which can claim this would be up hill cross country Skiiing, and how many of us have that planned this weekend?

The potential to sculpt a concrete body in 20 minutes appeals to everyone and the fact is that the science backs it up! Granted, it is unlikely the first question one bodybuilder will become ' How much can you lift on your Kettlebell deadlift?' We all know that nothing will ever replace 'How much do you bench?'

We do anticipate seeing top class bodybuilders, strength athletes and top class athletes of all disciplines encorporating some use of the Kettlebell into their routine in the future. We have already seen the Kettlebell become cool via the internet so now it's time for your general keep fit enthusiast to give them a go.

Have fun, be safe and ring your Kettlebell.

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